Bahmni standard-config logo file change not reflecting

I am new to bahmni & openMRS. I have setup bahmni on localhost windows machine and done changes in standard-config/whilelabel file. Text changes like header text is reflecting immediately. I have uploaded new_logo.png file to /bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/home/logo_new.png folder but on front end its not reading the file and loading broken image icon. I even tried to replace default logo.png file but then its loading default bahmni logo. I have changed directory and file permissions to 755 for /bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/home/ after uploading folder using docker desktop software.

Please help!.

Please check the Network tab of the browser to see the error for the request to load the logo. Also try in Incognito if you are replacing the logo. Sometimes browser might cache the image.