Bahmni PAT Call on 5 February 2025

Hello Everyone,

[Reminder] We have PAT call happening at 6:30 pm IST, 1 pm UTC, Wednesday 5th February 2025. See your timezone here: Your timezone

Zoom meeting: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Please provide any topic you would like to discuss in this thread.

@arjun @mksrom @ramashish @shivarachakonda @binduak @swetha184 @laxman @anandpatel @snehabagri @sushilp @sushmit @vmalini @dipakthapa @ramashish @mddubey @rrameshbtech @mddubey @iadksd @mwelazek @michaelbontyes @buvaneswariarun @sanjayap @florianrappl @apaule @mwelazek @tejakancherla @rabbott @gsluthra @wolf @mdg583 @akhilmalhotra @n0man @swatigogia @mohant @sanofersameera @soorya @deepthi @rohit.yawalkar @venu @atish1603 @grace @abhinab @binduak @mohant @sivareddy @gsluthra @akanter @gokul @rahu1ramesh @parvathybabu @satyar91 @sweety @keerthana @riya18

  1. What other check points can be there in billing other than Lab Orders/ Radiology and Prescriptions ?
  2. Ex: If a patient just visited a doctor in OPD visit (no lab test/ x-ray or medications) where will this fees be billed and shown?
  3. Is price configuration on drug orders and lab orders/radiology done through same interface/ source?
  4. How can an admin/ finance or billing person see all paid/outstanding amount for a patient ? Is this something that can be shown in Bahmni’s clinical interface?
  5. Procedure Orders :
  6. Which role will see the tests advised under Procedure Orders and which are the interfaces to see them?
  7. If we create a new observation form for this, where/ how can we create these ?
  8. Where can we view a patient’s encounters on the UI?
  9. How the Lab Devices can be integrated in Bahmni so that a device can automatically send the test results to clinical interface in Bahmni?
  10. How can a patient scheduled appointments.

Notes from today’s call (link).