Bahmni PAT Call on 19 February 2025

Hello Everyone,

[Reminder] We have PAT call happening at 6:30 pm IST, 1 pm UTC, Wednesday 19th February 2025. See your timezone here: Your timezone

Zoom meeting: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Please provide any topic you would like to discuss in this thread.

@arjun @mksrom @ramashish @shivarachakonda @binduak @swetha184 @laxman @anandpatel @snehabagri @sushilp @sushmit @vmalini @dipakthapa @ramashish @mddubey @rrameshbtech @mddubey @iadksd @mwelazek @michaelbontyes @buvaneswariarun @sanjayap @florianrappl @apaule @mwelazek @tejakancherla @rabbott @gsluthra @wolf @mdg583 @akhilmalhotra @n0man @swatigogia @mohant @sanofersameera @soorya @deepthi @rohit.yawalkar @venu @atish1603 @grace @abhinab @binduak @mohant @sivareddy @gsluthra @akanter @gokul @rahu1ramesh @parvathybabu @satyar91 @sweety @keerthana @riya18 @arshiya_sehzad @bennyange

Topic: Bahmni integration to Raspberry PI

Grateful for the engaging Bahmni PAC call yesterday!

It was inspiring to exchange ideas and receive insightful feedback from the Bahmni community. We’re excited to drive forward the EMR4All project—finalizing the Odoo integration soon and gearing up for the cloud data sync feature rollout following the succesfull deployment of OpenMRS, OpenELIS (Laboratory) and Pact(Radiology).

You can review the slide for EMR4All here slide presentation : :page_facing_up: Bahmni EMR on Raspberry Pi - EMR4All Project.pptx

Thank you to everyone who joined and contributed.

Best Regards,

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Notes PAT Call 19-Feb-2025 - Google Docs