Bahmni PAT call 09-Dec-2020

Reminder, we have PAT call, happening - at 6:30 pm IST, that’s 1 pm UTC, 8 am ET Wednesday, 9th Dec 2020.

Zoom meeting:

Please provide any topic you would like to discuss in this thread.

@ajeenckya @arjun @mksrom @pramidat @ramashish @shivarachakonda @binduak @swetha184 @laxman @anandpatel @snehabagri @sushilp @sushmit @vmalini @akhilmalhotra @dipakthapa @ramashish@pradipta @mddubey @rrameshbtech @mddubey @iadksd @angshuonline @mwelazek @michaelbontyes @buvaneswariarun @praveenad @sanjayap @florianrappl @apaule @mwelazek @som.bhattacharyya @tejakancherla @rabbott

Demo of 0.93 features and feedback discussion with the community.

Demo of the Bahmni connect changes to optimise performance and granular downloads of data to the PWA device.

We had initially done a survey for this and eventually implemented this. We will update the below thread with details of the implementation.

Please find notes here. Also has the link for the recording