In one of the Implementation site we have a requirement to generate patient identifier in below format BA (Prefix) + 6 digit sequence number + Gender (M/F) i.e. BA100000M We are configuring Prefix “BA” and 6 digit sequence number in openmrs For gender association we are doing change in code.
Problem statement is if we configure prefix in patient identifier the patient identifier will display like below which we don’t want to display on registration page.
We will need to change the code to hide the patient identifier field which would be configurable The reason to hide Patient ID field is we do not have multiple options for a prefix, the prefix will be static in our case so we do not want to show a static filed on the UI.
@angshuonline @arjunk @djazayeri @ivange94, @mksd, @mksrom @Ramashish Joshi, @shivarachakonda, @snehabagri, @ssruti, @swathivarkala, @vmalini @binduak @Sravya Kanagarla