bahmni emr requested information error

Govind, please don’t post unnecessarily about the same problem in multiple threads. I am seeing the same issue reported by you across many many threads. It does not help you or others who are looking to assist you. Please do a search to figure out which is the most relevant thread to post.

I just saw the log you posted on another thread. If you look at the log, you will see that the issue is with a python package. Googling the error would have brought you better pointers. Anyway …

If its still the same problem you are facing with Bahmni install, try this (on CentOS 6.7 or 6.9)

yum remove python-setuptools
yum install python-setuptools
yum upgrade python-setuptools
easy_install --version 

The last command should show that you have “0.6.10” installed. If so, then go ahead and run bahmni installation again.