Bahmni Customization for billing.Can some bahmni developer little bit guide me about this.

We are trying to customize a Health Information Management System (product named Bahmni) want to develop “communication channels” that will enable real-time data sharing between the three systems as follows; OpenMRS to OpenERP, OpenERP back to OpenMRS, OpenMRS to OpenELIS, OpenELIS to OpenERP and OpenERP back to OpenELIS. A simple example being a bill (registration fee) generated on OpenERP when patient visits the Hospital either a new patient registration or existing patient’s subsequent visit. Specific tasks to be performed include: 1. Enable billing by the medical records officer during the patient registration stage (registration module) before starting a visit. Create a button or checkbox for billing on the registration window in OpenMRS. 2. After saving the patient’s details on OpenMRS, the system should create a quotation for the registration fee on OpenERP i.e. System generates a bill (quotation) on OpenERP and shows the various details - service billed & payment status 3. On successful creation of the quotation, the quotation should be converted or treated as a sales order in the cashier module of OpenERP which the patient will pay against. 4. Upon payment of the bill, the registration status on OpenMRS should be updated to show it’s paid. The start visit/Enter visit details button should then become active.

Can someone please in bahmniteam let us know,how to acheive this usecase,I know the quotation is created in openERP but I want also to get back the result and show it in openmrs.?

@darius and @dkayiwa will you please help us providing some guidelines.

Does buying the odoo Restful API will help me out for the mentioned example?

@naveed1228 what do you mean by “enable billing”? Billing is always enabled, technically at least.

Or do you want to set a custom person attribute that says

this patient is subject to not be able to access the visit if his/her reg. fee is unpaid


In the context of a newly starting implementation we will develop something along those lines. Aka a way for care providers to know whether items (procedures, drugs, … etc) can be delivered/performed depending on whether they have been paid for or not.

@angshuonline, btw we want to discuss this last point soon on a PAT call.

@mksd, sure.

I think for the last point, I replied to another thread on the approach. Essentially this will involve

  1. write an OMOD on OpenMRS to interface with OpenERP using their API. You can see example here
  1. Create a custom display control (see here), that will call your API on the omod, which will in-turn call ERP apis to display the information.

Thanks @angshuonline, that makes a lot of sense. Let’s talk in more details when I’m not on leave anymore, but Mekom will be happy to move this forward the way you just outlined.

Cc @mksrom @zouchine