Bahmni as Multi-Tenant SAAS solution

Does Bahmni has a multi-tenant architecture which can be deployed on cloud so that the same installation can cater to multiple hospitals/clinics. Though I understand that multi tenancy can be achieved through virtualization but that would not be real multi-tenancy and would end up in using lot of resources. I am new to Bahmni as well as to the forum but from whatever I have gone through the demos, it seems Bahmni has not multi-tenant support. Any responses would appreciable. Thanks

Bahmni does not support full multitenancy, because this is a limitation of the underlying OpenMRS platform it is built on. Specifically, OpenMRS only supports role based access control versus having some more sophisticated way of segregating patients between multiple healthcare entities.

You can use Bahmni in the cloud to support multiple hospitals/clinics in a single enterprise that shares patient records across those facilities, and this works fine.

I am of the opinion that a true SaaS Maturity Model 4 with multi-tenancy of single DBs are not desirable always. In this age, where infra is cheap and dynamic provisioning is very much achievable, I would tend to think of a serviceable model on demand.

It has some added advantages in my view

  • Databases are segregated and its a good thing. Different databases for different clients - this is also a way to ensure data segregation for security and data protection and compliance perspective.
  • If a subscriber pulls out, this is much easier to close down the environments.
  • Easier to maintain client specific environments and data.

I can well imagine a dynamic environment on the cloud, where one can provision on demand

  • A container having just the services are spun up,
  • A separate database instance is spun up (maybe using the same database server but logically separate)
  • Connection URLs are setup to the database instances from the services, proxies and firewalls/routings configured, certificate setup etc etc

I know there are lots of work to be done, but I believe with right team and infrastructure automation, this is the right way to go.