Backend Modules Needing Urgent Expert Review to support O3 RefApp

@dkayiwa we have a request :slight_smile:

The Feature Squads for Billing and Stock (aka Commodity/Inventory) are both moving forward: they are taking the respective esms developed by Palladium and METS and generalizing them / adding config points so the work can be incorporated into the O3 RefApp. (Billing esm; Stock esm).

Where we need your help: both of these ems rely on a corresponding backend OMOD:

Could you @dkayiwa review both of these backend modules to: (1) make a list of changes needed in order for these OMODs to be reasonably included in the O3 RefApp, and (2) make an estimate of the amount of work still required on each for such generalization (e.g. X-Large, Large, Med, Small, etc)?

The team contacts at UCSF for the backend work are: @odorajonathan (per @eudson, Jonathan is available for work you might want to assign him related to this), and both @alaboso and @amugume (though both are on leave for the next 1-2 weeks). Since Amos and Arthur are away and we’re hoping to get this work into the RefApp promptly (within the next 2 of the monthly RefApp releases) we thought it would be so helpful to have your initial review :smiley:

CC: @eudson @gkinyua @dennis @jecihjoy @aojwang @slubwama @mmwanje @burke

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From the readme, the Billing module looks like a fork of the OpenHMIS (BandaHealth) cashier module. Some implementations have run this in RefApp 2.x and so should be able to run in O3 without problems. It was already generalised to be used by different implementations. Of course the generalisation can continue basing on feedback from the different implementations that attempt to use it.

The Stock module has some obvious ugandaemr specifics that need to be addressed for it to be generalised for general community consumption. I just took a glance at it and intentionally did not want to dive further into it until when these obvious things have been addressed.

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