Assistance With Deploying First Module

Application Name: OpenMRS SDK; platform Version Number: OpenMRS SDK 3.13.2

Question: Hi everyone, I’m working with a group of three CS students from Dickinson College this semester (as well as last) to contribute to OpenMRS. We all really resonated with the mission statement and wanted to jump on board in any way that we could. After a semester of troubleshooting we decided to move on to module development. We’re currently attempting to create our first modules and we’ve gotten to the step of installing the module on the Admin interface. I appended a pic below; our module is called basicmodule.

We’re unsure of where to go from here; although we are following the dev manual. I have two questions:

  1. How do we make a basic change to basicmodule, such as adding adding a field that a user would be asked to put their name into?
  2. Once we make this change to the module, how can we display it via the OpenMRS SDK? (When we launch the OpenMRS SDK, how can we navigate to our module?)

Thank you so much!

Welcome to the OpenMRS Community and we look forward to your contribution!

Did you get a chance to look at these three links?

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