Anyone Working on Android-Client project or any other Android project

I want to know whether anyone is working on the android-client project. I would be grateful if anyone who is working on any android project guide me so that I can also contribute to it.

Glad to hear this and we look forward to your contribution! @saurabh do you helping out at your convinient time?

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Sure ping me if you run into any issues on jira board or here as well.

@saurabh I have created a PR can you please review it. PR: AC-989 Added ScrollView in activity_about.xml file by Anshul-9923 · Pull Request #934 · openmrs/openmrs-contrib-android-client · GitHub

@saurabh Now this issue has been made the subtask AC-1010. Issue link: [AC-1010] About Activity not scrollable - OpenMRS Issues PR link: AC-1010 Added ScrollView in activity_about.xml file by Anshul-9923 · Pull Request #934 · openmrs/openmrs-contrib-android-client · GitHub