We’re thrilled to announce that OpenMRS Platform 2.7.0 is almost here! This release is packed with exciting new features and updates, and we’re just a couple of weeks away from launch. Here are some of the features you can look forward to:
Age-sensitive reference ranges for more tailored health insights, automatically adjusting based on age.
Hibernate Envers audit logging to maintain a detailed and accurate history of data changes.
Support for Java 17.
Updates to Hibernate 5.6.15.Final.
Updates to Liquibase 4.28.0.
Improved security features for enhanced protection.
You can find more information about Platform 2.7.0 on our Technical Roadmap.
Right now, we’re in the final stages of polishing, fixing the last bugs, and making sure everything is ready for release.
Before we wrap things up, we’d love your feedback! Try out the Platform 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT and let us know what you think. Whether it’s bug fixes or small features you’d love to see, we’re eager to hear your thoughts and suggestions for improvements.
The easiest way to try out Platform 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT is through the OpenMRS SDK. You can find the installation guide in our documentation. Once the SDK is set up, run the following command to install Platform 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT:
mvn openmrs-sdk:setup -Dplatform=2.7.0-SNAPSHOT
The SDK will then prompt you for details like the server name and database connection parameters—just enter them based on your setup.
To start the server, run:
mvn openmrs-sdk:run -DserverId=server
(Note: DserverId is the server name you chose during setup.)
This release also includes the migration from the Hibernate Criteria API to JPA
For a non technical person, you can try out platform 2.7 by simply accessing this server which has O2 running on top of it: https://qa-refapp.openmrs.org/
Thank you both! One more question: What is the timeline by when you are hoping to get feedback? Do you have a release date-ish in mind you can share here?