Hello all,
We are conducting an open training session on Bahmni and ABDM integration on the 23rd and 24th of February 2023. Kindly fill out this form to participate in the training.
Bahmni is a free and open source hospital information management system & EMR. You can read more about Bahmni here: https://bahmni.org.
The Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM)was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 27th September 2021 aiming to usher in a revolutionary change in India’s healthcare system. ABDM aims to develop the backbone necessary to support the integrated digital health infrastructure of the country. It will bridge the existing gap amongst different stakeholders of Healthcare ecosystem through digital highways.
Bahmni successfully completed the ABDM integration process and was certified as an ABDM compliant product on 15th Feb 2022.
@arjun @mksrom @ramashish @shivarachakonda @binduak @swetha184 @laxman @anandpatel @snehabagri @sushilp @sushmit @vmalini @dipakthapa @ramashish @mddubey @rrameshbtech @mddubey @iadksd @mwelazek @michaelbontyes @buvaneswariarun @sanjayap @florianrappl @apaule @mwelazek @tejakancherla @rabbott @gsluthra @wolf @mdg583 @akhilmalhotra @n0man @swatigogia @mohant @sanofersameera @soorya @deepthi @rohit.yawalkar @venu @atish1603 @grace @abhinab @binduak @mohant @sivareddy @gsluthra @angshuonline