🤖 AI and OpenMRS: Community Kick-off Discussion

There is rising interest among organizations in the OpenMRS community & ecosystem in the role of AI and what the explosion in Generative AI’s capabilities mean for the EMR world. For example:

  • IntelliSOFT is prototyping how GenAI could help summarize discharge instructions
  • Regenstrief & DIGI are excited about the role GenAI could play in Better Chart Search
  • Madiro is using LLMs to help convert paper forms into O3 Forms
  • …and more!

Goal: Hear from community organizations & members about the problems/needs they hope to solve, and plan next steps (e.g. AI squad?)

When: March 10, Monday, 3pm UTC / 6pm EAT / 8:30pm IST / 8am PST / 11am EST

Link: https://om.rs/zoomopenmrs

For more call info, see the public OpenMRS Community Calendar at: om.rs/cal


@grace another one that @akhilmalhotra advertised for Bahmni is their integration with Medispeak, quote:

Medispeak is a voice-to-text solution designed to enhance clinical workflows by enabling seamless data entry through voice commands. This integration aims to improve accessibility and efficiency for healthcare providers using Bahmni.

Demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfTON8oJhEs