Additional Info in Appointment Scheduling List view

Additional Info Column in List view - Any data that is being entered or deleted is a Dev effort. Ideally this column should be configurable.

All the columns with data coming from Appointment Scheduling module are configurable.

This column is to show details from other modules like bed details from bed management module, surgery information from OT module or any data entered in forms. This column cannot be configurable as each implementation may have different needs and there is vast amount of data available in Openmrs. As a provision to show data from other modules this column was given, but it needs minimal dev effort to populate this column.

Any idea with what all information you wanted to make it configurable with?

as @pramidat suggested, you can define your own implementation to specify what information you want to send out. There is support for extension to be plugged in from your custom OMOD. But does require dev.

You may want to check this thread for other ideas in discussion.