Adding Visit Locations in core domain model

Hello Every one!

I opened a PR some weeks back about Visit Locations in core domain model as it exists in the OpenMRS-emrapi module.

All things were moving on smoothly until i added a Hibernate mapping and an appropriate Liquibase migration as you can see here. I cant tell whether what i did was the correct thing or i messed things the more. On running mvn clean install i got errors which i think i can understand but i cant solve. You can see the error log

I got this error after adding the following code into the Location.hbm.xml file found with the path api/src/main/resources/org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate

<property name="surportsVisits" type="java.lang.Boolean"	 
   column="supports_visits" not-null="true"/>

and adding the following code into the liquibase-schema-only.xml file found at the path api/src/main/resources

   <column defaultValueBoolean="false" name="supports_visits" type="BOOLEAN">
       <constraints nullable="false"/>

and adding the following code into the liquibase-core-data.xml file found with the path api/src/main/resources

   <column name="supports_visits" valueBoolean="false"/>

With that i even recall! OpenMRS liquibase was changed to include snapshots. Which version should i change to get the above equivalence.

cc @ibacher @sharif @mozzy @reagan @dkayiwa @darius @burke and anyone who wishes to join… :smiley: