@teamprojekt or @darius,
can I please be granted access to add the radiology module https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-radiolgy to transifex
thank you!
@teamprojekt or @darius,
can I please be granted access to add the radiology module https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-radiolgy to transifex
thank you!
@teleivo, Sorry for missing this message while traveling!
I have created a resource for this at https://www.transifex.com/openmrs/OpenMRS/radiology-module/
Basically I just followed the first 3 steps of these instructions. You will need to do the rest.
One other thing: I was not able to upload the existing spanish translations because the file is not UTF8. Can you change this, and then try to upload them? (Or else I can if you don’t have privileges.)
@teamprojekt, I don’t think we should make everyone one wants to add their module’s translations to our transifex account an Administrator, which is why I did the initial creation of the resource in transifex. (Going forwards I expect that you would do this, or else create a small team of people who can action a request like this.) What do you think about that?
dear @darius,
just converted it to utf8 https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-radiology/blob/master/omod/src/main/resources/messages_es.properties can you please upload it. I dont seem to have permission to do so.
Can you also please complete step 4. for me? Since I dont have permissions, I dont think I can enable transifex auto updating the message.properties from github
Thank you !!!
@darius added the .tx/config https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-radiology/commit/4699572092c2be763b79c1a4e251c3961682204a
and tried to push the spanish translations (message_es.properties):
tx push -tf
but the command just hangs (doesnt terminate). not sure if its because point 4. in the wiki isnt configured yet or which I guess it is, I dont have permission to do so. But then its weird that the tx client just doesnt terminate with an error message.
Step 4 is done. (Actually I already had done this before.)
I did tx push -tf
and it worked.
Have you set up the .transifexrc file with your username and password? (Maybe the client does the automatically.)
If tx pull
is not working for you, and you’re not behind a proxy or something strange, we can try upping your permissions until it does.
PS- would you mind updating the wiki page instructions to show how file_filter works?
teleivo https://talk.openmrs.org/users/teleivo Ivo Ulrich https://talk.openmrs.org/users/teleivo Friendly User March 12
@darius https://talk.openmrs.org/users/darius added the .tx/config GitHub - openmrs/openmrs-module-radiology: 🏥 OpenMRS Radiology Module https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-radiology/commit/4699572092c2be763b79c1a4e251c3961682204a [image: teleivo] https://github.com/teleivo Merge pull request #184 from teleivo/RAD-141 https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-radiology/commit/4699572092c2be763b79c1a4e251c3961682204a
RAD-141 Manage translations via transifex
by teleivo https://github.com/teleivo on 05:29PM - 12 Mar 16 https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-radiology/commit/4699572092c2be763b79c1a4e251c3961682204a changed 2 files with 8 additions and 0 deletions.
and tried to push the spanish translations (message_es.properties): tx push -tf
but the command just hangs (doesnt terminate). not sure if its because point 4. in the wiki isnt configured yet or which I guess it is, I dont have permission to do so. But then its weird that the tx client just doesnt terminate with an error message.
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In Reply To teleivo https://talk.openmrs.org/users/teleivo Ivo Ulrich https://talk.openmrs.org/users/teleivo Friendly User March 12 dear @darius https://talk.openmrs.org/users/darius, just converted it to utf8 https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-radiology/blob/master/omod/src/main/resources/messages_es.properties can you please upload it. I dont seem to have permission to do so. Can you also please complete step 4. for me? Since I dont have permissions, …
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updated the wiki
@darius, it works! I forgot the proxy, how much I hate this proxy thank you so much!