hi @upendo, You can follow this way to create that Icon in Reference application home page.
First, you need to go to System Administration -> Manage Apps and the click Add App Definition.
In the window, Just type this commands,
"id": "cohortbuilder",
"description": "modern refresh of the OpenMRS Cohort Builder tool ",
"order": 0,
"extensions": [
"id": "demoapp.homepageLink",
"extensionPointId": "org.openmrs.referenceapplication.homepageLink",
"type": "link",
"label": "CohortBuilder",
"url": "owa/cohortbuilder/index.html",
"icon": "icon-list-alt",
"requiredPrivilege": "Replace with a privilege name, or else remove"
ID - You can mention your OWA ID
Order - Order your Application Icon in the Reference application homepage (0,1,2,…)
Label - Text under your Icon on the home page
Url - Which URL wanted to open when user click that Icon on the homepage
Icon - Which Icon wanted to show on the homepage
@suthagar23 do we have those instructions anywhere on the wiki? If not, could @millicent or @upendo add it to the wiki as a token of appreciation for your services?
Just reading this conversation I notice that there is no way for an OWA to
automatically add a homepage link. I think we should support this too. (I
think I wrote something on talk long ago about how I think we should
support this by letting OWAs include extensions…)
Great idea. How do we go about this? Are there modules that implement automatic homepage link addition? and how can this be implemented for OWAs? I would love to take part in this.