Adding a custom control in Clinical Patient Dashboard

Hello Friends! need help on adding custom control in clinical patient dashboard. Firstly I am searching bahmni wiki & trying according the bellow link, but somehow i am in a trouble.

First I have added angular directive in ’ openmrs/apps/customDisplayControl/js/customControl.js’ and then create a html named ‘birthCertificate.html’ in ’ openmrs/apps/customDisplayControl/views/’ and then added ‘Birth Certificate’ section in ‘openmrs/apps/clinical/dashboard.json’. I am following wiki, but somehow shown ‘The requested information does not exist’ message in error popup in dashboard. Note that: This template is running correctly without error as new dashboard but not shown in main dashboard. all codes is available here. please kindly help me. Thanks in advance.

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Moved to the bahmni category.

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