Add test results in Ref App 3.0


In Ref App 3.0, there is a section called “Test Results”, on the patient profile. However, I haven’t been able to find a way to either add results or order tests. How does this work?

@hmouhtar test results are just obs at the end of the day, so they could be collected through forms. There should be a test order form somewhere though, at least for the sake of demo-ing that this works, @reagan / @ruhanga could you point to the right direction here?

To be noted that a proper lab ordering feature will be on the roadmap, there are already designs for this.

As for collecting results, at least us (Mekom), we never really contemplated this scenario with Ozone since test results are automatically collected from SENAITE. I’m not sure what other groups are doing, probably just bringing their own test results forms.

@eachillah @grace how is this done at AMPATH?

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@hmouhtar under the “Forms & Notes” section, you can find and fill a simple “Laboratory Tests” form which exists for demo purposes and will later be replaced a proper lab ordering feature as explained by @mksd.

Test results should be provided by an external Laboratory Information System and visualised through the “Test Results” widget. You could try out such integration with Ozone HIS as it’s an integration with a LIMS as well.