Access to OpenMRS Docker hub account

I’m not sure if this is the right place – but how would I get access to push to the OpenMRS Docker Hub Organization? If there is a way to add that…I noticed that we only have two containers…I found the code for Atlas docker container and Modulus docker container…do any of you actually control that org?

This is the first I’ve seen it …

That’s interesting…Figured no harm in asking… :smile:

If I had to guess, I would assume someone involved with at least one of the projects you linked below might have an idea about it, so let’s stay tuned :smile:

Update: Please create a help desk case with the repository name you’d like created and your Docker Hub account ID so we can grant you access.


Sorry, just seeing this thread. I created the OpenMRS account on a year ago and added Alexis’ atlas image.

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Thanks @burke,

@michael, case opened :slight_smile: