As we eagerly look forward to our exciting OpenMRS Academy Fundamentals & JumpStart Programs in January 2024, we realize we that there may arise questions and inquiries regarding registration and enrollment to these programs.
So we are starting up this Academy Inquiries Talk thread to welcome any of your inquiries that you may have. Feel free to reply to this thread with your questions and any help needed in getting ready for our Academy.
Here are some links associated with Registration to our Academy should you seek any:
I’m Subham Kumar, a third-year Computer Science undergraduate at IIT Dhanbad. Proficient in programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, and Express, I have garnered valuable experience in these domains.
My passion lies in open-source contributions, and I am excited to announce my interest in participating in Google Summer of Code 2024. I am particularly eager to collaborate on projects related to OpenMRS.
Having honed my skills through hands-on experience and coursework, I am enthusiastic about applying my knowledge to real-world projects. I believe that through active engagement in the open-source community, we can collectively drive positive change and innovation.
Looking forward to the exciting opportunities ahead, and eager to contribute to the success of OpenMRS in GSOC’24.
Thanks for the great work regarding the academy. I have gone through the OpenMRS fundamentals and the content is good. However I am not able to view the content for the last part before the quiz which is “Introduction to OpenMRS reporting” because the video can’t play. I managed to do the quiz.
I enrolled for the “OPENMRS 03 INTRO” but the videos are not playing too. What could be the problem? @wodpachua@suubi7
Hi @isamanya and @piyushmishra1416! Thank you so much for your patience - After a loooooot of video editing and quiz curation - I finally have uploaded a better version of the virtual “O3 for Developers” Academy Course. It’s now open to anyone, free, and all the videos should work
I would love your review and feedback. E.g. Let me know if there is anything that you think is confusing, or missing, or unnecessary, or buggy!
Hi, Thank you all for your hard work on launching the OpenMRS Academy! I’ve enrolled in the OpenMRS Fundamentals Academy, and I’m really enjoying the content so far. However, I noticed that the video related to Introduction to OpenMRS Reporting seems to be missing. Could you please check on that when you have a moment? @grace@wodpachua
I’ve noticed that the O3 for Developers - Academy Course isn’t saving my progress when I use Google Chrome. I’m wondering if this is a known bug or if there’s a workaround for this issue?
Has anyone else experienced this, or is there a recommended browser to ensure progress is saved properly?
Hi @filipelopes! Sorry to hear this! (And btw, super cool to see your screenshot with the browser translating things to Spanish I wasn’t 100% sure if the system we use for the Academy actually supported that! )
The only sort-of-related thing I’ve heard is that the bubbles won’t mark as complete until you’ve completed a quiz in the section. But that doesn’t fix your problem for the sections that don’t have a quiz. I’ll dig online to see if others have run into this with TutorLMS. It could be that we just need to switch on something; although, I suspect the underlying issue is just that the system can’t tell whether or not you’ve watched the video, so it’s defaulting to “not done” If you click “comentarios”, does the bubble get filled in?
OK - I have tried enabling a setting called “Flexible Mode” which should allow you to mark a course as “complete” even if it’s not recognizing the videos as “watched”.
(We’ll still double-check that people have completed the quizzes before issuing certificates.)
@filipelopes can you let me know if this seems to unblock you - or not? If not, I’ll do some more sleuthing
@janani you are absolutely right, thank you for calling that out! That section on Reporting was supposed to become it’s own course at some point - and clearly that got missed when it was launched back in Jan/Feb 2024. I’ve removed that blank Reporting section.
@grace Thanks for your quick response and kind words about the language translation feature. It’s a handy tool, though I primarily watch the videos in English. I find the interface more convenient in Portuguese.
The issue I’m facing is that even after completing videos and quizzes in certain sections, the progress bubbles remain unchecked. This happens even for sections that have quizzes as shown.
I’ve tried refreshing the page and clearing the cache, but the problem persists. Clicking on “comments” or commenting doesn’t seem to trigger the progress update either. I can’t trigger manually to button also even after page restart. (Does TutorLMS has some server cache?)
Whoops, I should have known better after all our messages about Portuguese Would you like the videos translated into Portuguese? I think we have enough AI credits from this recent project to do so.
That’s extra weird that the bubbles don’t fill in even after the quizzes are done. The good news is, it’s really only the quizzes you have to complete in order for us to send you a certificate, so the bubbles don’t technically matter - however, that’s obviously a bad user experience!! I’ll dig a bit more and see if there’s something going on. It seems TutorLMS just auto-updated a few weeks ago so this might be a new issue for us.