2023-09-25: Professional Development Management Call: Gearing up for 2024!

Hey everybody!

This month, we’re wrapping up both our 2023 GSoC and Fellowships. This means that it’s time to start looking ahead to 2024!

Please join us at this Monday’s Professional Development Management call to have a focused discussion on what we’re doing now, what we might do in the future - and what needs to be in place in order to make our 2024 dreams come true.

Who: Anyone who is interested in how we engage, motivate, and grow our community’s talent! @jayasanka @kdaud @christine @erica @wodpachua @antoniomacheve @jmpango @marinachichava

When: 8:00pm IST | 5:30pm Nairobi | 4:30pm Cape Town | 2:30pm UTC | 10:30am Boston | 7:30am Seattle.

Where: https://om.rs/zoomso

:thinking: Can’t make it this Monday? Feel free to join our Community Office Hours and share your ideas/thoughts with us there! They happen every Monday and Wednesday at 3:30pm UTC. See our weekly What’s Happening post here on Talk for details.


Hello, Was this call canceled or did the time change?

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Hey @wodpachua! It looks like we have the wrong link posted & time here and on our What’s Happening This Week post :frowning: It should be our PDM link.

Please feel free to join Community Office Hours today and Wednesday at 9:00pm IST | 6:30pm Nairobi | 5:30pm Cape Town | 3:30pm UTC | 11:30am Boston | 8:30am Seattle. I am already in the Zoom room!

Huge thanks to @jayasanka @wodpachua @thembo42 and @erica for the fantastic discussion at today’s Professional Development Management call and Community Office Hours!

TL; DR: Supporting professional development is one way that our community attracts, motivates, and retains promising OpenMRS talent, who often go on to work with OpenMRS implementing organizations. Today, we reflected on our various professional development initatives (think: getting started guides, GSoC, hackathons, fellowships, etc) and shared what we each thought the community does well - and where we struggle. Take a peek at our Metro Retro board for details and feel free to share your perspectives as well!