2023-03-15: SMART & CDS Squad Meeting

Agenda :

  • Share a status update of the research findings, and opportunity areas to pursue ANC indicator- @pauladams & @cduffy

  • Find a new time for this call- @suruchi

When : Wednesday 8:30pm IST | 6 pm EAT | 5pm CET | 3pm UTC | 11am EST | 8am PST

Where : Join from computer or mobile: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Notes : https://docs.google.com/document/d/161OirRY5dbrIDOpwb_-B9txa2wYOAadsCfmj9A4RF4A/edit

@grace @dkayiwa @ibacher @akanter @burke @ball @cduffy @eudson @mksd @jennifer @pauladams @cduffy @erica @jteich

Is there an updated notes document which covers previous meetings? This one looks quite old…