2023-02-23 TAC call: Form Engine engineering deep-dive

You are all welcome for this week’s Technical Action Committee call this Thursday at 2pm UTC (3pm CET / 5pm EAT / 7:30pm IST / 9am EST / 6am PST) at :video_camera: https://om.rs/zoomtac where @samuel34 and @dkigen will be delving deeper into the specific differences between Ampath Form Engine & OHRI Form Engine. Specifically we will complete:

  • MVP Definition for this 1-Engine
  • Create Roadmap for this 1-Engine
  • tickets will be created on what needs to be done (e.g. work to generic-ize some of the Fx originally made specific for OHRI; work to support some great recent Fx additions to Ampath Forms, etc)

cc @mogoodrich @mksrom @mksd @eudson @samuel34 @alaboso @achachiez @slubwama @ibacher @aojwang @dkigen @dkibet

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