2021-06-07: Technical Action Committee (TAC): Update OMRS Architecture Diagram & Review 3.0 Framework together!

Welcome everyone to our new TAC time, starting this Monday!

When: Mondays at 10am EDT / 7am PDT / 7:30pm IST / 5pm EAT / 4pm CET / 2pm UTC

Where: om.rs/zoomtac

Fun Agenda This Week!

Notes and Previous Recordings: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/RES/Technical+Action+Committee+Notes
CC: @burke @mksd @mksrom @ibacher @k.joseph @ccwhite23 @dkayiwa @wanyee @janflowers @ssmusoke @jdick @aojwang @morrisng @mogoodrich @mseaton @bistenes @mayanja @eudson & please CC others you think would be interested.

Draft Updated Architecture Diagram:

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