Friendly reminder about today’s COVID Squad call - with a guest speaker
When : 9:30pm IST | 7:00pm Nairobi | 6:00pm Cape Town | 4:00pm UTC | 12:00pm Boston | 9:00am Seattle
Where : Zoom:
Agenda : Shefali Oza will join our COVID squad meeting. She has experience with OpenMRS (Ebola EMR for Save the Children in Sierra Leone) and lead Partners In Health’s COVID data management with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (USA). She wanted to share her experiences and the need for an EMR for COVID case surveillance.
Notes :
CC: @wanyee @dkayiwa @ibacher @jayasanka @jteich @ball @ddesimone @akanter @jennifer @bawanthathilan @piumal1999 @anjisvj