A couple of weeks ago, @moshon presented a proposed architectural design for Bahmni’s PLIR (patient level indicator reporting) solution and much of it aligns with OpenMRS PLIR discussions, with only one area triggering discussion: using the atomfeed module.
@mozzy has since looked into the OpenMRS and Bahmni atomfeed modules, and debezium. At this design forum, @mozzy will share what he discovered, get additional input, and we’ll discuss what approach to take with the OpenMRS PLIR scope.
Who: @ibacher @burke @mksd @ruhanga @grace @moshon @ekanyangonda @sgathu @mozzy @moshon @wanyee @jayasanka @ayesh @suruchi @dkayiwa @ccwhite23 @pmanko @bashir @jdick @akimaina @k.joseph @ssmusoke
When: Monday, 21 September 2020 at 9:30pm IST | 7pm Nairobi | 6pm Cape Town | 4pm UTC | 12pm Boston | 9am Seattle
Where: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
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