2020-08-19: COVID Squad call: DHIS2 Integration overview update & next steps

Friendly reminder about our weekly COVID-19 Squad call this Wednesday.

When : 9:30pm IST | 7:00pm Nairobi | 6:00pm Cape Town | 4:00pm UTC | 12:00pm Boston | 9:00am Seattle

Where : Zoom: https://iu.zoom.us/j/91346146997

Agenda :

Notes : https://notes.openmrs.org/covidsquad2020

CC: @wanyee @jteich @hamish @dkayiwa @ibacher @jayasanka @ball @ddesimone @akanter @paulamendola @jennifer

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Sorry I couldn’t make it today.

Andy we have set up a dedicated discussion about responsibilities and workflows - can you make it tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1pm EDT? (Added you to invite)