2020-08-14: Analytics Engine Squad weekly call

Our next Analytics Squad call will be this Friday at 6:30pm IST | 4pm Nairobi | 3pm Cape Town | 1pm UTC | 9am Boston | 6am Seattle.

:white_check_mark: Proposed agenda (please add/suggest as you see fit):

  • Demo from any implementers able to share their approach
  • Proposing name: Analytics Engine Squad
  • Dev. updates
  • Discussion on the road-map; request for feedback
    • Schema selection choices and flexibility
  • Proposed MVP goals:
    • Single machine pipeline
    • Horizontally scalable warehouse
    • Metrics API with a minimum set of indicators
  • Proposals for issue tracking, code location, and code review (TL;DR; GitHub )

:link: Helpful links for this squad:

:calling: Join info:

https://iu.zoom.us/j/94119314896 Meeting ID: 941 1931 4896

One tap mobile: +13126266799,94119314896# US or +13462487799,94119314896# US

Looking forward to seeing you there! @akimaina @bashir @aojwang @ibacher @dkayiwa @wanyee @spkabugo1 @jayasanka @insookwa @wyclif @aojwang @ccwhite23 @willa