2020-07-29: COVID Squad Call

Friendly reminder about our weekly COVID-19 Squad call this Wednesday.


  1. Strategy to disseminate ideas/gather consumer feedback - no responses to talk or survey thus far (see here)
  2. Updates - 5-10 mins (max)

Notes : https://notes.openmrs.org/covidsquad2020

When : 9:30pm IST | 7:00pm Nairobi | 6:00pm Cape Town | 4:00pm UTC | 12:00pm Boston | 9:00am Seattle

Where : Audio, Chat, & Screen Sharing (latest Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or other WebRTC-compatible browser): http://www.uberconference.com/openmrs

Audio Only (Telephone or your favorite VoIP client):

CC: @jteich @hamish @ibacher @ball @ddesimone @akanter

Thank you to all who attended today - this was a very helpful time of clarifying the importance of more robust DHIS2 integration that’s being experienced by many of our implementing partners.

Notes and recording: https://notes.openmrs.org/covidsquad2020

Next Steps:

  • @wanyee to speak w/ Kenya MoH to confirm plan re DHIS2
  • @wanyee to follow up about demoing KenyaEMR’s DHIS2 integration work on next COVID squad call
  • @ddesimone to follow up on responses from PIH about whether others see more robust DHIS2 integration as a priority, something they’d actively collaborate on
  • @jennifer and @grace plot out who’s working on what due to lots of PLIR/FHIR/etc overlap right now; share with this and other squads by next week
  • @grace & @ibacher: Spec document to help track progress (and compare against Notice D scope)
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