2020-07-21: OCL Squad Meeting - Address Critical Process Blockers & Sprint 32

Friendly reminder about our weekly OCL Squad call this Wednesday. There is alot to get through this time so we will have to be very time-efficient. The agenda in the notes is much more detailed - thank you to the MSF-ThoughtWorks partners who helped put this together.

Goals :

  • Address process issues blocking us:
    • Sprint 30/31/32 update - Please see the Sprint Board Backlog here. Tickets prepped in Sprint 32. Most are incompletes from Sprint 30/31.
    • Current Development Blockers: weeks of PRs still waiting
    • Which is the environment to use: .demo. Vs .qa.?
    • Plan re. process of updating CIEL in OCL + OCL workflows
    • Release processes and timelines
    • Raising issues/bugs in Talk vs Slack vs Jira
    • QA processes
  • Other specifics to discuss:
    • Clarify old vs new UI: functionality gaps exist
    • Any other items of interest in Sprint Board; e.g. new items/Ideas to discuss: e.g. summary of successful bulk import; audit Log Page (shows previous actions taken)

Notes : https://notes.openmrs.org/oclsquad2020

When : Wednesday 7:30pm IST | 5pm Nairobi | 4pm Cape Town | 2pm UTC | 10am Boston | 7am Seattle

Where : Join from computer or mobile: https://iu.zoom.us/j/750230470 Meeting ID: 750 230 470 One tap mobile +12532158782,750230470# US +13462487799,750230470# US

FYI: @swedhan @tendomart @muhima08 @ball @karuhanga @michaelbontyes @kirity @swedhan @muhima08 @mogoodrich


Thanks for the Reminder @grace

Thanks to all who made it. For those who couldn’t: Here’s the recording below; detailed notes here. (Those notes also include the notes and action items from the QA for OCL call that followed.)