Hi All,
Friendly reminder about our weekly OCL Squad call this Wednesday.
- Status updates from @kirity on results of testing subscription link with >2,000 concepts (so we can confirm plan to use subscription link for MVP)
- Updated CIEL source
- Update from @kirity or John about mapping values - formatting issues resolved?
- Update on available Dev resources from MSF/Thoughtworks
- UAT: Review UAT progress and identify next steps for wider UAT.
- Sprint 31 update: Review the progress thus far in Sprint 31 towards our remaining MVP Release blockers. Sprint 31 board here.
@karuhanga @michaelbontyes anything to add?
Notes: https://notes.openmrs.org/oclsquad2020
When: Wednesday 7:30pm IST | 5pm Nairobi | 4pm Cape Town | 2pm UTC | 10am Boston | 7am Seattle
Where: Join from computer or mobile: https://iu.zoom.us/j/750230470 Meeting ID: 750 230 470
One tap mobile +12532158782,750230470# US +13462487799,750230470# US
FYI: @swedhan @tendomart @muhima08 @ball