Hey Everyone
In this week’s installment of OpenMRS University, the OCL team comprising of @akanter @darius @paynejd will be doing a session on what OCL is, What has been developed so far, Adopting OCL in an implementation and next steps in the future growth of the module.
We also want to highlight the great work that Andela has been working on over the last few months and how one could get involved in supporting this module.
The session will run for about 1 hr on Wednesday August 28 2019 on UberConference
Topic: OCL: What is it, how to adopt and support its growth Session Leaders: @paynejd @akanter @darius
Time: 14:00-16:00 UTC Find your time zone’s conversion.@ http://www.worldtimebuddy.com Please keep time
for more details visit the University page https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/RES/OpenMRS+University