0.93 bahmni issue

Short Name is not seen on observation forms, Fully Specified Name is showing on the observation form.

OpenMRS Concept Information

How did you create the form? If you created using Form Builder, you can specify what to show at the time of definition.

Created it by adding concepts and adding it in All Obs Form.

Thanks @kaunain786 … seems like this is a regression bug as part of 0.93. We will fix it before the final release. I will create a card and post here. so you can track

Please follow card BAH-1247

@angshuonline @buvaneswariarun

I addressed one more bug at the patient dashboard…

The seems to be a section to display the visit type but its empty…No Value is seen there.

Please correct me If I am wrong. Please specify where I am wrong…

Thanks for catching this. Will fix it in a while.

@ritesh @buvaneswariarun please test out on product-qa04.mybahmni.org

@angshuonline Could you please point me to the corresponding code…

it will be part of the latest build (93-192). Alt, check the card, follow the PR link for the code