Using "Visit Type" and "Visit Attribute Type" on visit note page

@mksrom - Many thanks for the update. Looking out for your update as well.

Also, this functionality seems appropriate to add to the master branch of the coreapps module.

Iā€™d think that for backwards-compatibility with the existing workflow, there should be a ā€œdefault visit type for new visitsā€ setting (and if there is only one non-retired visit type in the DB, this setting should automatically point to it).


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That would be great ! For now, all is compatible with Coreapps-1.6 only and I think there is a bit of work to merge it in the latest version.

I will try to squeeze that into my work load, but definitely wonā€™t be 100% on it. For now, the code is available in mekomsolutions/lfhcforms module so if someone needs it I hope it is a good base (though not perfect).

@darius Should I use RA-977 (created by @whiscard) to work/communicate on this effort ?

Sure, that seems like the right ticket.

I copy-pasted a couple lines from this thread onto the ticket, and made it Ready For Dev, so feel free to claim it if/when youā€™re ready to work on it.

@mksrom have you been able to put in any effort towards this?

Thanks, Jeremy.

Hi @whiscard,

Unfortunately, I didnā€™t have time to look into that yet. We were planning to have someone working on this last month but that didnā€™t work. If anyone volunteers for this, Iā€™ll be very happy to help.



Hi @mksrom,

Noted, thanks for the feedback.


Hi @mksrom,

Would it be ok if I took up the issue? i.e create a PR off what you did on core-apps? I have also been working on a way to include visit attributes (alongside the visit type your team created) when creating a visit.



Hi @insiderish,

I really havenā€™t had a chance to look into merging the feature into CoreApps. Please feel free to do it. There is an existing ticket on this issue [RA-977] - OpenMRS Issues.

Nice ! What do you use the visit attributes for in your case?


Attributes store additional visit info like bed number/status, ward etc