Update CI builds to build with Platform 2.0

PS- @raff may have some thoughts about running distro tests on Jenkins or Snap, since I think they’re currently doing some refactoring of functional tests, including saucelabs.

@ssmusoke, I perhaps the docker-related tools mentioned at OpenMRS SDK 3.3.0 released! can help with this idea of building a CI pipeline without needing to set up your own infrastructure for it.

@ssmusoke, by the end of this week we should have a configuration for Travis CI, which runs a test OpenMRS server on Travis CI and runs UI tests on Saucelabs against that test server. We’ll make sure it’s documented so that any distro can do the same. It’s a solution, which is free for open-source. You will only need GitHub, Travis CI and Saucelabs accounts.

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@raff Awesome!!! I know I am asking for alot here, but is there any chance that you could include instructions to deploy Snapshots to bintray or Nexus.

Please see https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-distro-referenceapplication/blob/master/README.md#running-ui-tests-on-travis-ci-with-saucelabs

Thanks @gutkowski and @adamg for your work on that!

We’ll add deploy instructions for Bintray next week. I need to exercise them myself first.

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@raff Were you able to get the deployment to BinTray up and running

Not yet, but I’ll be doing releases today once JIRA is back.

@raff Awesome will watch out for them

@raff Just following up on deploying to BinTray

@ssmusoke, I’m sorry it takes a bit longer to discuss details with the Bintray team. We need to know to what extend they can support us. I’ll get back to you as soon as it is settled.

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