Up next for QA, do you think we need cucumber?

I read a blog of some developer who put it this way:

I’ve done several projects that were using cucumber, yet never have I seen it used beneficially. The business people have never asked me about my step definitions in cucumber or anything like that. The only question that business people ask is: “Are you ready for production?”.

Then another blog put it as below:

Keep in mind, however, that in some cases the business side of the organization may not have input or opinions as to how the application tests behave. It may also be true, depending on the size of your QA team or who is doing the automation work, that an extra layer of tooling to make tests more humanly readable (as with Cucumber) will not add value. In both cases, using Cucumber at the test creation phase may not be necessary.

Am not undermining the value of Cucumber, but simply putting it in the context of our community. I like the way Martin Fowler starts answering when asked for advice in regards to a tool , technology, pattern, or anything. He starts with, It Depends. LimitationsOfGeneralAdvice

Therefore, given the fact that it takes an effort to not only create but also maintain Cucumber features, i would not divert our limited and scarce resources, for what our business people are not interested in. If they are, is it worth the effort? Let us instead use these resources to catch real bugs before they are released in production.

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