Unsatisfied dependency exception whilst running reports.

I was able to resolve this issue, by creating the bahmni_reports database and adding the structure from a freshly-deployed Bahmni 0.85 vagrant box.

Step by step, I did the following:

  • Retrieved my reports SQL credentials from /opt/bahmni-installer/bahmni-playbooks/group_vars/**INVENTORY_FILE**
  • SSH’d into the database server, logged into MySQL using these credentials: mysql -u reports_root_user -p
  • Created the bahmni_reports database, using: create database `bahmni_reports`
  • Exited the MySQL console, using exit
  • Pasted the SQL dump for the DB structure into a file, say, bahmni_reports_structure.sql.
  • Imported the dump into the bahmni_reports database: mysql -u reports_root_user -p bahmni_reports < bahmni_reports_structure.sql
  • Restarted bahmni-reports: sudo service bahmni-reports restart

This issue was also fairly helpful. :slight_smile: