Unable to start OpenMRS: Scheduler service not found

the problem is i upload first this module openhmis.cashier-2.4.0.omod after i uploaded then it says these module requires in order to function Cashier module, So i downloaded dependency module, and tried to upload, i uploaded 1,2,3 module, after uploading 1,2,3 module i also try to upload 4 module then my web browser goes blank, i waited about 10 minute to see result, there is nothing happen other than blank web browser, after 10 minute i reload the page then i got error saying above pictures.

  1. openhmis.inventory-2.0.0.omod
  2. openhmis.backboneforms-2.3.4.omod,
  3. openhmis.commons-3.0.3.omod,
  4. jasperreport-1.5.5.omod