Unable to set up new Platform 2.3.4-SNAPSHOT using SDK

Alright, I have a strategy for this, though it involves some refactoring parts of the SDK, but the SDK already needs that as parts of business logic are all over the place in various helper classes that aren’t always well thought-through or organised.

The plan is this: We already have the capability of starting Tomcat in a forked Maven instance. By itself, this doesn’t help much because the Tomcat running component is still part of the full SDK and so it also includes the “bad” version of the MySQL connector on it’s classpath. So I’m going to refactor things so that the Tomcat Mojo is independent of the rest of the SDK, which should allow us to run things in Tomcat without pre-polluting the classpath. That should fix this issue, but it might take a bit to implement, especially with Thanksgiving next week.