Unable to login openMRS after logout openMRS application

Hi, @tendomart @dsurrao
adds.csv (461 Bytes)

when I upload our CSV file then after getting Error and not unable to open manage Address Hierarchy tab

INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(155) |2018-04-13 16:34:57,035| Exiting method deleteAddressHierarchyLevel ERROR - SqlExceptionHelper.logExceptions(146) |2018-04-13 16:34:57,083| Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (openmrs.address_hierarchy_level, CONSTRAINT parent_level FOREIGN KEY (parent_level_id) REFERENCES address_hierarchy_level (address_hierarchy_level_id)) ERROR - BatchingBatch.performExecution(141) |2018-04-13 16:34:57,089| HHH000315: Exception executing batch [could not execute batch]