Synchronizing all orders to OpenERP (needs design)

We have this requirement from everywhere actually. (The Bangladesh Project team even once offered to fix it)
I know of requirements of “Procedures”, Equipments (like HSG procedure tray) that needs Clinician’s advice/orders etc. Basically all sorts of “Orderables”.

Currently the code

  1. inspects the “Concept Class” and raises the event for syncing to ERP
  • I would think this should be more generic of what we consider as “order-able”. (My idea would be to use something like a concept attribute that you can just set “orderable: true”. Our metadata should be able to describe more details (hence we brought in Concept Attribute support) and other systems should be able to interpret/decide what they are interested in.
  1. At ERP side, we associate the Orderable to certain categories. there is a mapping for this. If not found associated, it puts it under a default category.

I am not sure about associating the price with the concept in MRS side. For a category, it might be wrong to assume certain price.