Steps to follow to do a documentation review

@jwnasambu The changes to the legacyui docs have been reverted. End user documentation for the reference application can now be found here.

Hey Everyone!

We have now documented a process of how we can work together to do documentation review without necessarily joining the Tuesday calls.

This information can be found here

Let us know what you think

@cpear98 and the team thanks for the feedback. @dkayiwa thanks for reviewing feel free to point out other changes to be made.

Should pages that are done being edited but still waiting on review be placed in the “Expert Review and Corrections” table or the “Completed Pages” table? The instructions on are a little unclear.

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@ssemakadde Thanks for approving the document on wiki. We need your help in reviewing the changes made on implemeters’ guide. Has @jennifer reached out to you?

Not yet and i am very much interested in that.

Thanks so much.