Proposal for Limited Scope RefApp 2.13 & request for Release Manager


I’m having a different error when I try to release the App Framework module. When I run the standard build on CI, it builds successfully, and all the tests pass, but when I run the release job, the test fail, with this error being reflected

ERROR - TestContextManager.prepareTestInstance(324) |2022-11-21 18:17:31,339| Caught exception while allowing TestExecutionListener [] to prepare test instance [org.openmrs.module.appframework.service.AppFrameworkServiceTest@64287ec0]

on this link App Framework - App Framework Module Latest - Release to maven 295: Build log - OpenMRS Bamboo. I once thought the explanation on this link Problem Releasing APP-UI module could be of help but I was wrong.

CC @dkayiwa , @ibacher, @kdaud