Platform 2.4 Release: To-do's and release discussions thread

@gcliff could you please share the war file with me?

Thanks @wolf… this looks good to me, and should fix the bug I was seeing when firing up the PIH EMR with OpenMRS 2.4, but I haven’t been following all this in too much detail, so I’ll defer to others… @ibacher @dkayiwa @gcliff feel to ping me once this is merged and I can check the PIH again.

Take care, Mark

Probably a few things could be refactored in that method.

The Javadoc states that “This code was borrowed from the liquibase jar so that we can call the given callback function.”

When upgrading to Liquibase 3.x I refactored the method to cater for breaking changes in Liquibase but other than that tried to minimise changes.

That makes a lot of sense! Thanks for the explanation!

You are good to go, @mogoodrich, @ibacher merged and backported yesterday.

@wolf do you still need the war file because when i try to send it via openmrs email it fails to upload saying `

Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, svg, txt, pdf, docx, csv).


thanks @wolf for the work here

It would still be good to look into the war file to understand why one of the Liquibase files was missing. You could create a branch in a github repository and upload the file there.

@wolf sending the file via a github branch fails with Yowza, that’s a big file. Try again with a file smaller than 25MB. on uploading it

The war file is 73 MB , i think we can try via email and see how it goes

hello @wolf

i have tried to set up and run a new reff app 2.11.0-snapshot server to test the latest changes and also tried plan B of building and deploying the war file of core 2.4.0 in the reff app server 2.11.0 with the latest changes from your PRs above but still getting the same errors above during initialization

@gcliff that has been fixed by @wolf and i have released it as part of platform 2.4.0-alpha.2

So run the sdk setup again. If it does not pull a war file with that version, then run it with the -U option.

Not sure whether my recent PRs are fixing that, as version 1.9.x is identified as the baseline snapshot but then one of the update files is missing:

INFO - ChangeLogDetective.getInitialLiquibaseSnapshotVersion(115) |2020-10-25T20:17:39,719| the Liquibase snapshot version that had been used to initialize the OpenMRS database is '1.9.x'
Error: org\openmrs\liquibase\updates\liquibase-update-to-latest-2.0.x.xml does not exist

@gcliff or @dkayiwa could you please share the war file via Google drive or Dropbox with me? My mail address is

@mogoodrich once you checked the PIH EMR with OpenMRS 2.4, could you please let me know whether the fix works as expected? Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

@wolf i have sent

@dkayiwa @wolf

i have set up a server with the latest 2.4.0-alpha.2 war file

but still get the same error above during the openmrs initialization on running the server

Sure, will do @wolf… should be able to get to it in the next few days…

@gcliff Here’s a somewhat speculative patch I think might fix the issue you’re seeing. Assuming you have a copy of openmrs-core on your computer, make sure you’ve checked-out the 2.4.x branch, then copy this file into the root of openmrs-core and run the following command:

git apply --ignore-whitespace databaseupdater.patch.txt

Then build and deploy the openrmrs-core file to an SDK server (e.g., mvn clean install openmrs-sdk:deploy) and see if that resolves the issue.

Let me know if any of those instructions are unclear.

databaseupdater.patch.txt (4.2 KB)

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@ibacher i cant seem to apply the patch Cliff@Cliff-PC MINGW64 ~/Desktop/New folder (2)/openmrs-core (2.4.x)$ git ch - with the above command

@gcliff Did you put that file in: ~/Desktop/New folder (2)/openmrs-core? What’s the output of, e.g., ls *.txt or even git status in that folder?

@ibacher yes i have copied the 2.4.0-alpha.2 war file in the root folder but still get

> Cliff@Cliff-PC MINGW64 ~/Desktop/New folder (2)/openmrs-core (2.4.x)
> $ git apply --ignore-whitespace databaseupdater.patch.txt
> error: can't open patch 'databaseupdater.patch.txt': No such file or directory

Looks like a linux command, am on windows

> Cliff@Cliff-PC MINGW64 ~/Desktop/New folder (2)/openmrs-core (2.4.x)
> $ git status
> On branch 2.4.x
> Your branch and 'origin/2.4.x' have diverged,
> and have 37 and 8 different commits each, respectively.
>   (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
> nothing to commit, working tree clean