📣 Ozone 1.0.0-alpha Sprint Update

(Ozone Pro only) We uncovered an issue with the TTL of OAuth tokens, this was temporarily fixed by @achachiez by setting a long TTL in Keycloak, but otherwise this ticket should be used to fix the issue:

  • EIP-120: OAuth token to be renewed at least 10 seconds before expiration
  • PR here - @wyclif it would be great if you could review it.

Otherwise we are still going through the inventory of all that it takes to release Ozone, and there is a bunch of things on top of what is needed to release O3 Ref App, among others:


  • @ruhanga has started work on
    • OA-30: Assign/manage users’ provider association through user info attribute
  • We cleared all PRs on EIP Client ahead of its release.
  • @ruhanga is about to release Iniz 2.4.0.
  • @enochb is in QA for the setup of Ozone FOSS.
  • @enochb is in QA for the whole analytics & reporting process for Ozone FOSS using Common Reports’ data extracts reports.
  • @grace a couple of O3 tickets came out of QA already:
    1. O3-1582: Visit encounters should be displayed in descending order and with dates
    2. O3-1581: Allergy form not submitting (error 400)
    3. O3-1584: ‘undefined’ appended to non numeric lab test results