📣 Ozone 1.0.0-alpha Sprint Update

@achachiez got us Ozone (Pro) on the dev server again :muscle: It’s been a while.

He reported small issues with SSO (so only affecting the Pro version), namely:

  • (Ozone Pro) The post-authentication redirect URLs for Superset and Odoo are not HTTPS, and Keycloak rejects them.
  • (Ozone Pro) Odoo is not loading its OIDC settings correctly, they have to be set manually for the time being.

Emmanuel will keep fixing the above and @mksrom and him will work the way to have this perfectly hooked to all necessary CI/CD processes.

This is a huge step now, it’s back online somewhere (here actually, use jdoe/Admin123) :tada:


  • We are still assessing what’s left behind RA-1994.
  • @enochb will start QA on Ozone FOSS data extract process.
  • @nuhuhmutebi to get involved in manual QA as well, exact scope to be defined on Monday.
  • @ruhanga to start ramping up on automated QA processes with @ibacher.

⇒ QA QA QA, with starting to dive into automated QA :male_detective: