Overhaul the User Management dashboard for ID Dashboard

Thank @r0bby, Will try with that in few hours once I am back from uni.

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Take your time
my only requirement is it be done in the next couple weeks
it’s a blocker for me to even contemplate releasing it.

Hi @r0bby, Actually the error come with all the 500s. It comes for mongoDB connection error also. Will do some more testing.

okay the mongo error - check for and delete /docker/mongo/mongod.lock if it exists. May need to be root – that’s the cause for that – for some reason the container doesn’t clean up after itself
need to fix that.

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Hi @r0bby, I tried followings. Deleted the docker/mongo/mongodb.lock. Added the ${USER} to docker group. Gave sudo privilege to current user.

After all these, still docker-compose docker-compose up -d mongodb doesn’t run without sudo. When ran without sudo it gives,

`ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at - is it running?

If it's at a non-standard location, specify the URL with the DOCKER_HOST environment variable.`

So I have added export DOCKER_HOST= to bashrc. Still it is same.

When I run it with sudo it prints the following line. openmrscontribid_mongodb_1 is up-to-date

When building ‘node build/store.js’, after running above with sudo, it fails always saying it is unable to connect to mongo db. This is the first time I have encountered this problem with IDDashboard. Can you please give some help on this?

That should work – try doing: docker-compose up --force-recreate mongodb

If that does not work, let’s schedule a skype chat and I’ll do screenshare and help you.

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Hi @r0bby,

Shall we schedule a skype chat then.

Please continue GSoC discussion at: #projects:id-dashboard