org.hibernate.HibernateException: Unable to locate named class org.openmrs.module.reporting.serializer.ReportingSerializer

i like @dkayiwa’s way of prolonging this process of re-producing this for others to support or help out, here is a baby follow step to reproduce this in standalone 2.2;

  • Obtain a new compressed file for and extract it, then delete all the modules included by running; rm appdata/modules/*
  • Replace the included 1.11.2 war file at tomcat/webapps/openmrs-standalone.war with a similarly renamed 1.11.5 or 1.11.6 war file
  • Modify the properties file to append &server.socket=/tmp/openmrs.sock to connection.url value
  • Add a file called mysql with the following content (Run nano mysql)
password=`cat | grep connection.password | awk -F= '{print $2}'`
database/bin/mysql -uopenmrs --password="$password" --socket=/tmp/openmrs.sock --max_allowed_packet=96M

And then make the file executable by running chmod +x mysql

  • Start the standalone by running java -jar openmrs-standalone.jar and run through OpenMRS maintenance mode to upgrade from platform 1.11.2 to 1.11.5
  • Run the above script by; ./mysql and in MySQL Client window run; use openmrs
  • Paste the code below in MySQL Client window/shell
INSERT INTO `patient_identifier_type` (`patient_identifier_type_id`, `name`, `description`, `format`, `check_digit`, `creator`, `date_created`, `required`, `format_description`, `validator`, `retired`, `retired_by`, `date_retired`, `retire_reason`, `uuid`, `location_behavior`, `uniqueness_behavior`) VALUES (NULL, 'TRACnet ID', 'Identifier type for HIV patients', '\\d{4}\\-\\d{6}', '0', '1', '2011-01-19 11:37:20', '0', '', '', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'f7c2e4b6-6cb4-4ec2-8a06-0d7b50ed0571', NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO `concept_class` (`concept_class_id`, `name`, `description`, `creator`, `date_created`, `retired`, `retired_by`, `date_retired`, `retire_reason`, `uuid`) VALUES (16, 'Program', 'A treatment program', '1', '2006-08-16 02:04:09', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '3d72947a-26fe-102b-80cb-0017a47871b2');
INSERT INTO `concept` (`concept_id`, `retired`, `short_name`, `description`, `form_text`, `datatype_id`, `class_id`, `is_set`, `creator`, `date_created`, `version`, `changed_by`, `date_changed`, `retired_by`, `date_retired`, `retire_reason`, `uuid`) VALUES(1482, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, 16, 0, 1, '2006-08-16 02:05:34', '', 1, '2006-09-27 20:33:54', NULL, NULL, NULL, '3cdb4962-26fe-102b-80cb-0017a47871b2');
INSERT INTO `concept_name` (`concept_id`, `name`, `locale`, `creator`, `date_created`, `concept_name_id`, `voided`, `voided_by`, `date_voided`, `void_reason`, `uuid`, `concept_name_type`, `locale_preferred`) VALUES ('1482', 'HIV PROGRAM', 'en', '1', '2006-08-16 02:05:34', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '3e1a9512-26fe-102b-80cb-0017a47871b2', 'FULLY_SPECIFIED', '1');
INSERT INTO `program` (`program_id`, `concept_id`, `creator`, `date_created`, `changed_by`, `date_changed`, `retired`, `name`, `description`, `uuid`, `outcomes_concept_id`) VALUES(2, 1482, 1, '2011-01-19 11:01:17', NULL, NULL, 0, 'HIV Program', 'The program for HIV patients', '5ea0ebfb-cec3-4cce-9479-58cf2ac5b7fa', NULL);

INSERT INTO `concept` (`concept_id`, `retired`, `short_name`, `description`, `form_text`, `datatype_id`, `class_id`, `is_set`, `creator`, `date_created`, `version`, `changed_by`, `date_changed`, `retired_by`, `date_retired`, `retire_reason`, `uuid`) VALUES (5497, '0', 'CD4', '', NULL, '1', '1', '0', '1', '2004-08-12 00:00:00', '', '1', '2012-08-16 14:02:19', NULL, NULL, NULL, '3ceda710-26fe-102b-80cb-0017a47871b2');
INSERT INTO `concept_name` (`concept_id`, `name`, `locale`, `creator`, `date_created`, `concept_name_id`, `voided`, `voided_by`, `date_voided`, `void_reason`, `uuid`, `concept_name_type`, `locale_preferred`) VALUES ('5497', 'CD4 COUNT', 'en', '1', '2004-08-12 00:00:00', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '3e3f6df6-26fe-102b-80cb-0017a47871b2', 'FULLY_SPECIFIED', '1');

INSERT INTO `concept` (`concept_id`, `retired`, `short_name`, `description`, `form_text`, `datatype_id`, `class_id`, `is_set`, `creator`, `date_created`, `version`, `changed_by`, `date_changed`, `retired_by`, `date_retired`, `retire_reason`, `uuid`) VALUES ('856', '0', '', '', NULL, '1', '1', '0', '1', '2004-05-05 00:00:00', '', '1', '2009-11-12 14:50:26', NULL, NULL, NULL, '3cd4a882-26fe-102b-80cb-0017a47871b2');
INSERT INTO `concept_name` (`concept_id`, `name`, `locale`, `creator`, `date_created`, `concept_name_id`, `voided`, `voided_by`, `date_voided`, `void_reason`, `uuid`, `concept_name_type`, `locale_preferred`) VALUES ('856', 'HIV VIRAL LOAD', 'en', '1', '2004-05-05 00:00:00', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '3e129920-26fe-102b-80cb-0017a47871b2', 'FULLY_SPECIFIED', '1');

INSERT INTO `concept` (`concept_id`, `retired`, `short_name`, `description`, `form_text`, `datatype_id`, `class_id`, `is_set`, `creator`, `date_created`, `version`, `changed_by`, `date_changed`, `retired_by`, `date_retired`, `retire_reason`, `uuid`) VALUES ('1085', '0', '', '', NULL, '4', '9', '1', '1', '2005-01-12 00:00:00', '', '1', '2012-06-15 08:12:59', NULL, NULL, NULL, '3cd72184-26fe-102b-80cb-0017a47871b2');
INSERT INTO `concept_name` (`concept_id`, `name`, `locale`, `creator`, `date_created`, `concept_name_id`, `voided`, `voided_by`, `date_voided`, `void_reason`, `uuid`, `concept_name_type`, `locale_preferred`) VALUES ('1085', 'ANTIRETROVIRAL DRUGS', 'en', '1', '2005-01-12 00:00:00', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '3e154044-26fe-102b-80cb-0017a47871b2', 'FULLY_SPECIFIED', '1');
  • Stop the standandalone by pressing Ctrl + C on terminal
  • Add these modules into appdata/modules folder; mohorderentrybridge-1.0.2-SNAPSHOT.omod,serialization.xstream-0.2.7.omod,htmlwidgets-1.7.2.omod,calculation-1.2.omod,mohtracportal-0.2.7-SNAPSHOT.omod,rwandasphstudyreports-1.0-SNAPSHOT.omod,reporting-0.9.7.omod. The three custom modules from the list can be downloaded from: (~7MB)
  • Start the Standalone and if it doesn’t direct to the page with the error message, login and proceed to the next steps below
  • Click Reporting link from the header of openmrs legacy UI and if you see no available reports click Administration
  • Click on Execute Reports link under Rwanda SPH Study Reports section
  • Click on ART Monthly or Consultation Sheet Setup or Lost to Followup Patients report buttons back and forth once
  • Now clicking back on reporting link in the header should list those three reports
  • Now click on home link in the header and check the tomcat logs for the above error

@dkayiwa, do you think i can make it any better than it is now!